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We all are born with a mission, life is a stage and each one plays a role. Here at D Old we fully live our cosmic assignment: to source and bring the strengthening spirit of natural stone to the U.S. market.
At D Old, our satisfaction is to see the happiness in the homeowners` eyes when enjoying their granite.
Our decisions in sourcing and selecting raw materials overseas have great influence in what is available to the residential and commercial industry. We very much respect that! Reason we bring only the best! From the best factories, where we see the owners walking on the floor.
D Old`s board of directors has decades long, better saying, generations long alliances in Brazil and Italy, the today`s main quarrying country and the historical hub for worldwide marble and granite, respectively.
So, we decided to bring a pristine operation whose goals are:
1. to accomplish our mission of sparkling fascination through stone; and
2. to perpetuate generations of peoples overseas working with marble and granite.
Very simple goals which start in the choice of U.S. homeowners: your choice shares wealth in an exponential manner, your choice is seed to opportunities and lifestyle across the globe. 
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D Old Granite

1953 Case Pkwy S Twinsburg OH 44087

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